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Simple Steps for Promoting a Healthy Head Shape

Oct 28, 2024

5 min read




Supporting your baby’s physical growth from an early age is essential to ensuring proper development. For many parents, two of the simplest yet most effective ways to promote healthy head shape development and prevent conditions like positional plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome) are repositioning techniques and tummy time. In this blog, we’ll delve into the significance of these practices, when they work best, and how you can easily incorporate them into your baby’s daily routine.

Repositioning techniques involve adjusting or encouraging various head positions during sleep and play to prevent prolonged pressure on one part of the head. These techniques are especially effective in preventing and treating positional plagiocephaly when applied early, typically before 4 months of age when the baby’s skull is still highly malleable.

When Are Repositioning Techniques Effective?

Repositioning techniques are most effective in infants who have developed a mild form of head shape asymmetry and are younger than 6 months. At this stage, the baby’s head is soft enough to respond well to gentle pressure adjustments in mild cases of flattening. They are also beneficial for babies at risk of developing flat spots, such as those who:

  • Have a preference for turning their heads to one side while sleeping.

  • Spend a lot of time in reclined positions (such as in car seats or bouncers).

  • Have been diagnosed with torticollis (a condition where the neck muscles are tight or shortened, limiting head movement).

By encouraging and changing your baby’s head position frequently, you can reduce the risk of developing flat spots or help correct more mild cases of positional plagiocephaly before they become severe, requiring the intervention of a cranial remodeling orthosis (CRO).

1. Alternate Head Position During Sleep

Place your baby on their back to sleep (as recommended for SIDS prevention) but alternate the direction they face in their crib. One night, position your baby so they face the right side of the crib, and the next night, position them so they face the left. This prevents continuous pressure on one side of the head. For an easier adjustment, simply switch the side of a sound machine, if used, or turn babies 180 degrees in the crib or bassinet each night so that they are encouraged to look in the opposite direction.

2. Change Feeding Positions

While bottle-feeding or breastfeeding, alternate the arm you hold your baby in. This helps promote even head movement and avoids pressure on one specific area. Alternating sides can also help develop your baby’s neck muscles and encourage them to look in both directions.

Pro tip: If you have a partner, take turns holding your baby on opposite sides during bottle feeding. This helps promote even head shape development by encouraging your little one to look in both directions.

3. Encourage Active Play

When your baby is awake, engage them in activities that encourage them to move their head freely and in both directions. Use brightly colored toys, sounds, or mirrors to attract your baby’s attention and motivate them to turn their head from side to side. This helps relieve pressure from the back of the head and promotes symmetrical movement.

4. Limit Time in Car Seats, Swings, or Bouncers

While convenient, these devices keep your baby in a reclined position that places pressure on the back of their head. Limit the time your baby spends in these positions and opt for holding or wearing your kiddo in a baby carrier instead.

Tummy time refers to the practice of placing your baby on their stomach while they’re awake and supervised. Tummy time is essential for their overall development, as it strengthens the muscles in their neck, shoulders, arms, and back, helping them build the necessary strength for rolling over, sitting up, and crawling.

Beyond these motor skills, tummy time plays a crucial role in preventing flat spots on the back of the head by reducing time spent lying on their back.

When Is Tummy Time Most Effective?

Tummy time is important from the very beginning. Pediatricians recommend starting tummy time as soon as your baby comes home from the hospital, even during the newborn stage. Starting early allows your baby to become accustomed to the position and helps prevent resistance later on.

Ideal tummy time schedule:

  • Newborns: Begin with just 2-3 minutes of tummy time, 2-3 times per day.

  • 3-4 months old: Aim for 20-30 minutes of tummy time spread throughout the day.

  • 6 months and older: Gradually increase the duration to up to 1 hour per day as your baby becomes stronger and more comfortable.

  1. Tummy Time on Your Chest Babies love to be close to their parents, and tummy time on your chest is a perfect way to bond and encourage head and neck control.

    • How to do it: Lie on your back and place your baby on your chest, tummy down. Talk, sing, or make eye contact to keep them engaged and encourage them to lift their head.

  2. Tummy Time with a Rolled Blanket Using a rolled-up towel, small blanket or tummy time pillow under your baby’s chest can help them get used to tummy time, especially during the early stages when lifting their head may be more challenging.

    • How to do it: Place the item under their chest with their arms in front of the roll. This gives them a little lift and makes it easier to hold their head up.

  3. Tummy Time on a Play Mat A soft play mat with colorful toys can make tummy time fun and engaging. It encourages your baby to look around and reach for objects, further developing their coordination.

    • How to do it: Place your baby on a play mat with toys within their reach. Encourage them to look around by placing the toys at different distances.

  4. Tummy Time Over Your Lap This method provides comfort and stability for babies who might find lying flat on the floor challenging at first.

    • How to do it: Sit down and place your baby tummy down across your lap. Support their chest with your hand and allow them to explore head movements.

    Combining Repositioning Techniques and Tummy Time for Optimal Results

    Both repositioning techniques and tummy time are most effective when used together consistently. While repositioning relieves pressure on certain areas of the head during sleep and rest, tummy time strengthens your baby’s neck and shoulder muscles, supporting their overall development and helping prevent flat head syndrome. By combining these two approaches, you can maximize your baby’s healthy growth while reducing the risk of positional head shape asymmetry.

    Here’s how you can combine both techniques for the best outcomes:

    • Daily Routine: Incorporate tummy time throughout the day, especially during awake and alert periods, and balance it with repositioning techniques during naps and nighttime sleep.

    • Monitor Progress: As your baby grows, pay attention to any developing flat spots or head shape changes. If you notice any issues, increase the amount of tummy time and alternate sleep positions more frequently.

    • Consult a Professional: If flat spots persist despite repositioning and tummy time, consult a pediatric healthcare provider Or book a free head shape assessment at ROKband pediatric headshape clinic. They may recommend or provide additional therapies, including a cranial remodeling orthosis (CRO).

Repositioning techniques and tummy time are easy-to-implement strategies that can have a lasting impact on your baby’s head shape and overall development. Starting early and staying consistent are key to preventing conditions like positional plagiocephaly. With simple adjustments to your daily routine, you can ensure your baby grows with a strong body, a symmetrical head shape, and healthy motor skills.

At ROKband, we specialize in providing comprehensive support and guidance for parents concerned about head shape asymmetries. Whether through repositioning, tummy time, or more advanced treatments like a cranial remodeling orthoses, we’re here to help your baby thrive.

Oct 28, 2024

5 min read





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